Wednesday, February 1, 2012

We've moved!

As of February 1, 2012, come read us at our new, very own url:  So exciting, so pretty, so grown-up!

this is what i'm talking about

This, right here, is what I'm talking about.

An article about some Sausalito school children recording an album of world music in a studio owned by former member of [i refuse to use their name] is front-page news over here.  An album made by children gets more space than rail, an issue that affects not just Marin but also Sonoma Counties.

An album of world music, for heaven's sake.  Seriously?

Of course it doesn't surprise me one bit, having lived here for as long as I have.

But still, sheesh. So far in the 31 days of January, the Marin IJ managed only a 5-day consecutive run of no mention of the gd GD.  That was their record.  They'd sometimes get to 2 days, or maybe 3 or 4.  Five was truly exceptional.

And now, natch, they're back to zero as of yesterday's paper.  
