Saturday, October 31, 2009

Cycle 2, Week Three: Blurrrrrrry

I can't believe it's been two weeks since I last posted something, but it makes sense given that my most persistent feeling lately has been that everything's slipping by me so fast, and I'm just scurrying along (in flats) trying to keep up. It's as if there are these long dead times, in which we do nothing -- laze about, watch shows, take naps, have friends over and eat and laugh -- offset by these frenetic times, where I'm multi-tasking like crazy and thinking about why it is that in my head doing more things faster at the same time = evolution. Yeah, I know that's nonsense.

A brief summation of where we stand today and what we've been up to during this e-bsence:

First things first, Joe is feeling great. Ever since last Friday when he got out of the hospital (more on that below), he has been good and strong. He went out on his team's ride Thursday morning, and he just headed out for more of same. Excellent! He's been troubled by a dry cough for the past week or so, but it's just an annoyance. All other systems are Go. He has already begun to dread next Wednesday when we start this whole thing over.

Last Thursday Joe suffered extreme pain as a result of the Neupogen shots he has to give himself following the chemo. They'd told us that a possible side effect was bone pain, which we filed away in our minds as bone ache, similar to how you feel when you're getting a fever. So when Joe, at work, about 9am, started to feel like his lower back was breaking, we didn't put it together. By the time I got him to the hospital, he'd been having these worsening waves of crippling, fall-on-the-floor pain for four hours. It took as many hours for them to find a pain medication that would take him out of agony, and allow him to sit down. That was a super-rough ride. He ended up spending the night in the hospital. Big love and thanks to Trixie and Josh for tracking us down in the ER, then bringing pizza and drinks; thanks to Alex, Lisa and Nick for visiting; and Jim and Donna, too, of course, for spending time with us there. By the next morning, 7am, Joe was ready to go.

Since then, since the hospital, it really has been pretty easy. Joe doesn't have the same energy, but is still going to work every day, and, now that his appetite is back, making dinner most every night. That's been great for me, since with the Bay Bridge down this week, my schedule has been stupid - the usual commute taking twice as long, which has its benefits (like watching a fat orange sun set from the middle of the span of the Golden Gate Bridge, in stop-and-go traffic; like forcing me to go slow, etc.) but mostly just eats into my Joe-time.

We're going to try to really enjoy this weekend, knowing that this is the golden one, the One Before, and that he probably won't feel this good again for three weeks. Later today, we'll go get our flu shots (something neither of us has ever done before, but which is now required by the docs), then enjoy the garden and this beautiful cotton-candy October sunlight, just soaking up the heat and brightness of the day since we know we'll need that illumination in the weeks to come.

1 comment:

Nada Gordon: 2 ludic 4 U said...

Much much much power to you both. That pain episode... so awful...